The Marmalade Marketing Blog

4 Lessons From 4 Years of Marmalade Marketing

Written by Jo Perrotta | 04-Feb-2021 12:03:39

There was a time when you would celebrate a business anniversary with an old-fashioned knees-up and a toast to the next year, but, let’s face it, things have changed. During a year when survival was front of mind for many companies, an anniversary now means taking a step back and acknowledging just how on earth you managed it. 

When I started Marmalade Marketing four years ago, no one could have prepared me for the rollercoaster ahead. Firstly, it may sound like a cliche, but there’s no such thing as a ‘Business A-Z’, or a tried-and-tested route out of every challenge. While advice is invaluable, you soon realise that everyone who has trodden the path before you were on their own unique journey that cannot be replicated.

My journey began after the company I worked for went insolvent while I was on maternity leave. I had a six-month-old old baby, a toddler, a divorce and subsequent house move, so you could say I relish a challenge (or that I’m unhinged - more on that later). 

So, during this time of reflection, I’ve pulled together the four biggest lessons I’ve learned over the years. It’s not advice - your journey will be your own - but simply some ‘lightbulb’ moments that have come out of it. 


1. I did what?! 

When a business is moving a mile a minute, it’s easy to forget how it all started. The aforementioned situation(s) acted as a catalyst to take control of my career and branch out on my own. Such was my determination to get going that I started the business on a credit card. Not ideal! However, becoming a business owner is a huge step and it’s bloody scary, especially when you know the comfort of a salaried job is just around the corner if you change your mind or hit a bump in the road.

My conclusion is that it takes determination, confidence and a sprinkle of crazy to get going. As long as you don’t act too recklessly or take unnecessary risks, I’d say go for it!


2. Park the guilt 

Oh god, it’s never-ending. Whether it’s the age-old mum-guilt or simply the I’m-a-shit-daughter/friend/partner/whatever guilt, you need to forgive yourself and forget it. You’ve decided to start a business and it requires intensive care and attention to get it off the ground and grow it. Half-arse it and it’ll fail. If anyone is reading this who wrestles with guilt in some form, I implore you to STOP. Easier said than done, of course, but once I stopped beating myself up about what I wasn’t doing and started focusing on what I was, everything became more manageable. 


3. Jump in

Forget leaning in; you need to get fully immersed in that professional oven. It’s hot and the pressure is intense, but it’s become my natural habitat. It sounds obvious, but you’ve got to face the ugly parts of business. People will shout at you - sometimes you’ll have to suck it up and take it, other times you’ll have to shout back. There will be days when you’ll sit with your accountant and meticulously go through countless spreadsheets and documents. You’ll have to drop everything and travel to help an overseas client with an emergency. Don’t shy away or send someone in your place - get in there. It’ll be appreciated and remembered. 


4. Surround yourself with great people 

The Marmalade team are a bunch of marketing geniuses. They’re all at the top of their game, and I’m proud of who they are as people. Each brings their own valuable skills to the table that makes the business what it is today. There’s no real secret sauce to hiring - sometimes it goes right and other times not so much. However, having a realistic understanding of where your business is today and where you want it to be in the future will provide an accurate understanding of the skills, experience and personality traits you need for success.

Lastly, it wouldn’t be a blog about business learnings without mentioning the vom-fest that is Covid. The previous 12 months have been a challenge for everyone and we hope the end is in sight soon (please!). The pandemic meant we had to put our foot on the gas to refine our offerings to become slicker, faster and better at what we do. I won’t lie, there have been tears, but there’s been a lot of laughs too. That’s the Marmalade way.

Finally, our clients have been a gift from above and deserve a shout out. They are some of the most forward-thinking businesses that we could ever wish to partner with. Each has been receptive in adapting their business and approaches to marketing during this critical time, and I’d like to take the opportunity to thank them for having the trust and confidence in what we’re trying to achieve together and remaining on this crazy ride with us.

So, here’s to another year of adapting, evolving and becoming even better in an industry that has given me a business that I’m immensely proud of. While there’s no party this year, I’ll still be celebrating our four years in style with a Manchester pink gin from the comfort of my sofa and making plans for the next four. Stay tuned.

Can’t wait to find out more? I don’t blame you - there’s exciting things on the horizon. Drop me an email and let’s have a virtual cuppa to catch-up - I’d love to hear your lessons in business!