Recruitment Marketing

We're experts at both.

Unmatched Expertise

With an impressive 100 years of collective industry experience, it's safe to say that our team of experts have well and truly been around the block. We are all too familiar with the common hurdles and more importantly, we know how to leap right over them.

Are you struggling to get your brand messaging to really hit the mark? Is your content well overdue a breath of fresh air? Or perhaps your social selling efforts are falling flat?

We get it. And we've got you covered.

Read our latest case studies

Employer Branding & Positioning

Transform your organisation's image into a magnetic force that attracts top talent. Craft a captivating employer brand that not only speaks of your company culture and values but paints a vivid picture of the incredible opportunities you offer.

Business Lead Generation

Through strategic and targeted campaigns, we'll be your secret weapon in generating a constant stream of high-quality leads, be it candidates or clients. Our unrivalled expertise will ensure that you effortlessly attract the perfect fit. That's the power of choosing Marmalade.

Brand Health & Awareness

With us, we'll strategically increase your visibility, crafting engaging content and maintaining consistency. Your organisation will shine brighter while staying strong and authentic, ensuring a lasting impact. Your brand's health will be in the best hands, leaving you free to focus on what you do best - connecting talent. 


Branding & Design

Wondering if your branding could be clearer or more impactful? Maybe you're starting from scratch and need expert guidance. The good news is that we can help with that, and more!

Our branding and design services are here to refine your brand's message and appearance, ensuring you stand out. With extensive experience in the recruitment industry, we know exactly what works. Explore how our targeted workshops, bespoke content creation, and strategic marketing can elevate your brand.

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Brand Building

Is your brand getting the recognition it deserves? Or perhaps you're looking to strengthen your presence in a crowded market. We're here to ensure that your brand doesn't just participate but dominates. 

Our brand-building services are designed to enhance visibility and influence, through strategic marketing and personalised content. From Social Media Management to SEO, we can transform your brand into a key player.

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Thought Leadership

Lead Generation

Are you finding it challenging to generate leads or convert prospects into clients? Our Lead Generation services are tailored specifically for recruitment businesses facing these exact hurdles. 

We combine expert strategies in paid advertising, business development workflows, and campaigns to dramatically improve your lead-generation process. With Marmalade, every strategy not only reaches but effectively engages your target audience, turning potential into performance.

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Social Selling Workshop

Marketing Leadership

Facing marketing challenges and not sure where to turn?

Our Marketing Leadership services strip away the hassle and cost of in-house efforts. Whether you need strategic direction from a fractional CMO, comprehensive handling of your marketing activities, or expert mentoring for your team, Marmalade Marketing has the expertise to boost your success. Leverage our 100+ years of combined experience in recruitment and marketing at a fraction of the cost of an in-house team, and start seeing results from day one.

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Thought Leadership
Following successful delivery when we first engaged with Marmalade, they were our first choice to further develop our marketing function. With their help, we have a much clearer direction for our marketing and an awareness of how it can be effectively leveraged to support our ambitious growth plans.
Brian Johnson
MD, Forward Role

Our Latest Insights

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Part One: AI Is Gathering Pace, but How Will This Impact the Global Economy and Wider Workforce?

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Three C's of Recruitment Marketing: Part Three

Welcome back to our final blog in the series on the Three Cs of successful recruitment marketing. Having explored how...

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