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Aligning Marketing and Sales for Greater Success - Get Marketing Tighter With Sales in Recruitment.

Aligning Marketing and Sales for Greater Success - Get Marketing Tighter With Sales in Recruitment.

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Aligning Marketing and Sales for Greater Success - Get Marketing Tighter With Sales in Recruitment.

Marketing in recruitment often operates in silo, churning our blogs and social media posts independently from sales. Instead, it should be syncing up with sales efforts to maintain constant client engagement, even during the 95% of the time they’re not looking to buy. This approach ensures that marketing efforts support the sales team's goals and help nurture enduring relationships in accounts that recruiters aim to close.

One of the critical challenges recruitment professionals face is staying relevant and maintaining consistent communication with clients, especially when they aren’t in "buying mode."

Traditional marketing efforts, like sending speculative CVs (yes this is marketing and not sales, certainly not recruitment), often result in limited touchpoints, leaving gaps in engagement that could be filled with much more strategic marketing activities. 

This blog will explore a more sophisticated approach to recruitment marketing that focuses on increasing client touchpoints and keeping your brand top-of-mind.

The Traditional Approach: Speculative CVs

Traditionally, the recruitment cycle has involved sending speculative CVs intermittently throughout the year. This approach, while direct, has its limitations. Here’s a simple example:

January: Speculative CV
February to March: Radio silence
April: Speculative CV
May, June and July: Radio silence
August: Speculative CV
September: Speculative CV
October, November & December: Radio silence

…and so on. In this model, recruiters engage with clients sporadically, based solely on the availability of a job opening, there and then. However, this method fails to maintain a consistent presence in the client's mind. What happens during the months when clients aren’t in "buying mode"? How do you ensure they remember your brand and the value you offer when they are ready to hire?

Instead, why not maintain a consistent presence even when there’s no immediate job opening? By supplementing speculative CVs with regular, value-driven communication, recruiters can create a more consistent presence. Imagine a calendar where each month involves a strategic touchpoint:

January: Speculative CV
February: Salary survey to gauge industry standards
March: Updates on market demands/project statuses
April: Speculative CV
May: Invitation to an industry event
June: EVP feedback and survey
July: Nothing
August: Speculative CV
September: Speculative CV
October: Salary survey
November: "Look Who's Hiring" report
December: Invitation to participate in a "Year Ahead" survey

This new and enhanced model doesn’t just sporadically throw CVs into the void, it weaves valuable interactions like market updates, salary surveys, event invitations and more into the mix. This not only keeps your brand front of mind for prospective clients, but it also cements your position as a leader who understands the market and provides ongoing insights. 

Why it Works

Increased Brand Recall

When clients receive regular communication from you, they are more likely to remember your brand when a hiring need arises. This increases the chances that they will reach out to you first.

Building Trust and Authority

By providing valuable content, such as salary surveys or market updates, you are actively positioning yourself as an expert in the industry. This builds trust and reinforces your authority in the recruitment space. When there are thousands of recruitment companies to choose from, you must stand out.

Nurturing Relationships

Regular communication helps you stay connected with clients, nurturing relationships that can lead to long-term partnerships. Even when clients aren't hiring, they appreciate the insights and information you provide, which can translate into loyalty when they do have vacancies.

Cost-Effective Marketing

The activities outlined in the enhanced model require minimal investment beyond time and resources. Many of these touchpoints, like surveys and event invites, can be automated or easily managed through your CRM system (or other automation tech), making this approach both effective and efficient.

How Can It Be Easily Implemented? 

Implementing this enhanced marketing strategy doesn't have to be complicated.

Follow these easy steps:

Leverage Automation

Use CRM systems or marketing automation tools to schedule and manage your communication touchpoints. Automation ensures that no opportunity for engagement is missed and allows you to scale your efforts.

Customise Your Content

Tailor your communication to each client's needs and interests. For example, if a client is particularly interested in market trends, focus on providing them with relevant updates and reports.

Measure and Adjust

Track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts by monitoring open rates, engagement levels, and responses. Use this data to refine your approach and ensure that your content resonates with your audience - if you get a hard bounce, do something with it.

Human Touch

While automation is valuable, don't forget the importance of human interaction. Follow up on your marketing efforts with personal calls or meetings to deepen the relationship and address any specific needs or concerns.

In today’s competitive recruitment market, it’s essential to go above and beyond the traditional model of sporadic communication. By increasing touchpoints and maintaining consistent engagement with clients, you can significantly enhance your brand’s presence and build stronger, more enduring relationships. This proactive approach to recruitment marketing ensures that when clients are ready to hire, your brand is the first they think of, making you an invaluable partner in their recruitment process.

By adopting this strategy, you’re not just filling positions - you’re building a brand that clients trust and turn to, time and time again. 

If you want to discuss your marketing and sales further. Please get in touch. You can contact us here.

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