Claudia De la Cruz

With over 13 years' experience both in-house and agency-side, Claudia is a digital marketing wizzard and a HubSpot expert. From strategy development and planning through to measurement and data analysis, Claudia is the go to to get your marketing engine running.

7 min read

The Complete Checklist for a Successful HubSpot Portal Audit

I often speak to businesses where the Marketing leader has either inherited a HubSpot portal after joining the organisation or has had it running for some time without knowing how to get the most out of the platform. This is precisely where a portal...

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6 min read

7 Ways Recruitment Marketers Can Benefit From HubSpot

As recruitment agencies seek innovative ways to enhance their marketing strategies and stand out in a crowded market, technology plays a pivotal...

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People drinking coffee

2 min read

7 Reasons Your Business Needs a Digital Marketing Audit

Digital marketing is constantly evolving and it can be challenging to keep up. Strategies that delivered exceptional results yesterday might not...

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2 min read

Maximising Growth: The Benefits of Working with a HubSpot Solutions Partner

Businesses often find themselves managing the intricacies of customer relationship management (CRM) systems, inbound marketing strategies, and sales...

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6 min read

The Impact of AI on Marketing Teams: Evolving Roles and Skills

As the end of the year fast approaches, it's only natural that many of us are thinking about the future and what it holds, particularly in the face...

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7 min read

Why Marketing and Sales Alignment Fails and How to Fix It

The alignment between marketing and sales teams is essential. When marketing and sales work together, they can drive increased revenue and deliver an...

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Man with laptop and coffee

5 min read

Key Considerations for Selecting a Marketing Automation Platform

When it comes to choosing a marketing automation platform for your business, there are several factors that you need to consider.

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Man in coffee shop looking at phone

4 min read

Recruitment Marketing ROI vs Measuring Marketing ROI

“If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.” - Peter Drucker Every CEO, MD and Director wants to know what they are getting from their investment...

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